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Ranger Kidwell-Ross, editor Here's the latest in sweeping news from our Editor:

This past June 21st marked WorldSweeper's 19-year anniversary.

APEX2021_MultipleYears75 It is with great pleasure that we report WorldSweeper's free monthly e-newsletter is the recipient of an international APEX Award for Publication Excellence. This marks the 11th year in a row that our newsletter has won an APEX and the 17th year in a row of the 19-year existence of the website that some aspect of the overall project has won an APEX. Sign up here to receive our newsletter in your in-box each month.

WorldSweeper's September e-newsletter has been distributed. Sign our guestbook to get on the reception list.

Other important past news included...

Our August e-newsletter included the watershed report on LA's test between an air sweeper and a mechanical broom unit. It also had info on the value of sweeper-mounted cameras;and, advantages/disadvantages of using independent contractors in sweeping.

More recent news included:

Our July e-newsletter focused on the emerging need for bike lane sweepers and some of the models now available, including one that is pulled by bicycles! We also covered Philadelphia's commitment to start sweeping and then sweep every street in the City in 13 weeks.

How education and training can minimize hopper fires; a case study on the legal ramifications of a serious sweeper accident; an informative safety bulletin on keeping employees safe in extreme hot weather; and, info on John Hopkins undegrads who have invented a much quieter leaf blower.

An article by our editor detailing the crucial role of air sweepers in combating stormwater runoff pollution. Our editor recently wrote another article about how distracted driving can best be identified and countered by managers of all types of sweeping operations.

We encourage sweeping managers to take note of how Lake County, Illinois, has rebranded its sweeping program to better educate its citizens about the value of street sweeping.

On April 1st WorldSweeper announced that Sky Sweepers has introduced models of drone sweepers for cleanup of urban emergency debris.

Kansas City, Kansas, just introduced a sweeper wrap to commemorate Day of the Dead. We also offered in our March newsletter a link to FullBay's heavy duty equipment maintenance checklist.

Did you know that sweeping may play a role in saving Washington's salmon from toxic tire dust called 6PPD-quinone? Because street sweeping has been shown to be 5X more cost-effective in removing Nitrogen and Phosphorus from the runoff stream. That makes it highly likely that street sweeping would have the same ability with tire dust particles.

To celebrate Black History Month, our February e-newsletter contained a trio of stories about notable Black men who impacted the industry. It also had an analysis of the NPE and PAVE/X competing tradeshows.

Have you heard? Fayat has hired James Crockett and Keystone Plastics hired Terry Parsons.

In our Not Exactly Sweeping section in February we had an article on the person being termed the 'most beautiful street sweeper' in Thailand.

An NYC Sanitation Commissioner, Jessica Tisch, is promoting street sweepers to have cameras to ticket car owners who flout the city's alternate-side parking rules.

Are you aware of the value provided to sweeping contractors belonging to the World Sweeping Association.

Learn about Global Environmental Products as well as the advantages/disadvantages of EV in the Zoomcast between a Global Director and WorldSweeper's Editor.

Multihog is now building an EV sweeper.

Education is the key to public acceptance of street sweeping. We offer three links to examples: 4 surprising sweeper facts; a video about how sweepers work; and, a city web page about why sweeping is important. That's why Midland, WV, involves kids in creating graphics for their sweepers.

A webinar with Roger Sutherland and our Editor about sweeping's cost-effectiveness for pollutant runoff, and another discussion of street sweeping's new California mandate to pick up and remove both large and small-micron debris.

An early alert about Isuzu's exit from CARB states and a review of the coming autonomous sweeper marketplace/products.

Elgin announced its all-electric Broom Bear sweeper and info about RAVO Sweepers and its US dealer, Northeast Sweepers & Rentals.

Info from WSA on coverage from WSA about the potential danger of street racers in parking lots; the pitfalls of using independent contractors; a warning about CASE Management Solutions' contractor payment record; a fact sheet from the EPA on sweeping; and, info on rising post-accident positive marijuana results.

Info about the testing of the Trombia Free autonomous EV sweeper at the Ports of NY and NJ; Elgin announced a next generation hybrid Pelican with thermal management; an article and Zoomcast with the people bringing Denmark's Egholm sweepers to the USA.

A Zoomcast with long-time Elgin GM, Mike Higgins, on his retirement; a story about the autonomous sweepers taking to China's streets; and, a link to a story about Japan turning trash collecting into a sporting contest.

Other interesting industry news includes Oregon City using CityRover on sweepers to identify potholes. Also, our Zoomcast interview with two industry pros on how to obtain and handle large event setup and cleanup.

Have you read the inspiring story about Nationwide Environmental Services?

Sweeping Corp of America is being sued for not paying prevailing wages in California.

Do you know why removing grit is critical for treatment plants?

We wrote an article about the increasing theft of catalytic convertors from sweepers and how to counter.

Elgin Sweeper has announced an electric-chassis Broom Bear model.

Award Of Excellence East Coast Laurie and Jay Presutti of NY-based East Coast Industrial Maintenance were chosen as the 2023 recipients of the Award of Excellence in Power Sweeping.

A heartwarming story about Swiss street sweeper who cleans with a rose attached to his cleaning wagon.

An investigative report concerning reports alleging nonpayment and other negatives about North East Landscaping and Tree Service (N.E.L.T.S.), a third party vendor company located in Franklin, CT.

Info about Minnesota's plan to start providing credits for street sweeping.

Tire dust particles on pavement are being called "the DDT of our generation." We offer two different articles on this topic, linked here and here.

A FleetOwners' article link on how to diagnose diesel aftertreatment headaches.

The many reasons why sweeping is the best BMP for stormwater runoff pollution.

Our feature article on San Diego's proactive sweeping program.

Link to a seminar that provides information about the rising importance of pollution insurance for sweeping contractors.

If you are a sweeping contractor, you might want to read Mark Schwarze's suggestions for you.

In one of the most important developments ever for street sweeping, both Florida and Minnesota will be providing credits worth millions of dollars to municipal MS4s in those respective states. These are being paid because studies done by those states have found that removal of phosphorus to be from seven to 150 times more cost-effective to do than the next best BMP, which involves catchbasins.

If you care about phosphorus removal from the runoff stream, our article and Zoomcast with Randy Neprash is a 'must watch.' Randy is a leader in Minnesota's move to providing phosphorus removal credits to MS4s based directly upon amount of debris collected via a sweeper.

Did you know that Charles Brooks, a Black man, was one of the first US inventors of a street sweeper?

Check out this article and video on sweeping's value for the environment.

We love the heart-warming story about a group of kids in India who built their school's elderly custodian a 'grounds sweeper.'

The pavement-based pollutant removal ability of a wide variety of BMPs has shown street sweeping to be the most cost-effective of all by a significant margin. Check out the new comprehensive study that involved 14 Florida municipalities.

After a cost assessment of implementing Chesapeake Bay requirements tallied up to more than $1 billion, the county sought a less expensive solution. A study on the costs of stormwater management practices prepared for the Maryland Department of the Environment Science Services Administration found that air street sweepers provided the lowest average annual cost over 20 years per impervious acre treated.

WorldSweeper surveyed eight U.S. cities about their sweeping practices. The results may surprise you.

Did you know that over 40% of the tickets nationwide are for not moving vehicles prior to sweeping?

We now have on the WorldSweeper website an in-depth analysis of the City of San Jose, California's street sweeping program. The report – which is 72 pages in length – is entitled "Street Sweeping: Significant Investment and Re-tooling are Needed to Achieve Cleaner Streets." We highly recommend anyone involved with street sweeping read the report. Complete info is at this link.

Risk transfer clauses are becoming a regular part of mall and third party contracts. Every sweeping contractor needs to read this article that discusses how to recognize and defend against risk transfer clauses.

Next time one of your sweeper operators complains about their job, we suggest to show them the dangers of being a sweeper in Jamaica, where most of the sweeping is done manually amidst drivers that a U.S. contractor calls "maniacs." Is one of your operator's problems that they might have to "jump into the nearby crocodile-infested swamp"?!

Have you wondered how to tell a prospect or client how they can tell a quality sweeping contractor? Check out the article I wrote for Retail Facility Business on this topic.

Are you a Facebook Fan of yet? Our Fans often receive advance notice of our newsletter, as well as a variety of industry tidbits not meriting an actual article.

Finally, if you are a vendor to the sweeping industry and don't yet advertise here, please consider doing so with either a banner ad or a Sweeping Products listing.

As you can see from the logos above the headline, we have an RSS feed on the website, as well as links to our Twitter and Facebook accounts. These are easy ways to keep up with news at We also offer a web page that contains the latest articles we've added to the site.

Good Sweeping,
Ranger Signature
-- Ranger Kidwell-Ross, editor

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Do you offer sweeping or related services, or would you like to hire a sweeping contractor? If so, you'll want to check out our contractor locator section. (opens in new window)

Sweeping is a worldwide industry, but the techniques vary enormously depending upon where it's being done. We have a number of stories about how sweeping is done in various locations of the world, many from the award-winning online travelogues penned by our editor while traveling in Asia, Australia and Europe. You'll want to take a look.

Here is where you'll find the latest stories we've posted online. You'll want to check often to find out the latest in industry news.

You'll find everything to do with street sweeping here. If that is the segment of the sweeping industry you are involved with, you'll want to check it out.

Want to see what sweepers used to be like? If so, you'll definitely want to check out our collection of old sweeper pictures. Some of the photos are even for sale, and what would look better on your office wall?!

Need to fix your sweeper, buy a new one or find the best deals and suppliers for sweeping-related products? As a way to show them you appreciate their support for this site, please do your shopping from manufacturers who support If you sell to the sweeping industry, be sure to sign up for your free or enhanced product listing! (opens in new window)

We're proud to offer this featured contractor on our home page.

East Coast Industrial a Well-Qualified Awared of Excellence Winner

Award Of Excellence East Coast


Our current featured contractor is New York-based East Coast Industrial Services, Inc., owned by Laurie and Jay Presutti. The company is the 2023 winner of the WorldSweeper/World Sweeping Association's Award of Excellence in Power Sweeping.

The company has provided sweeping and pavement maintenance services in a variety of critical, high pressure situations, including assisting in the cleanup of Hurricane Sandy. The principals have also taken time to provide information about educating customers about how to choose reputable contractors and in a feature article at WorldSweeper emphasized not their own importance; rather what they emphasized was the importance of being honest with customers and vendors alike.

If you'd like you or your organization to be considered for this honor, please let us know.

Tymco Regenerative Air Sweepers
2023 WorldSweeper Elgin
Fundamentals of the Power Sweeping Business


This website relies on industry-wide support. The good news is the information we supply can be unquestionably independent. The downside is we must have the support of the sweeping community at large to keep up-to-date and online.

Because of the relatively small size of the sweeping industry, we need financial support from all areas of sweeping: manufacturers, contractors and the other vendors and suppliers of power sweeping equipment. If you like what you see and value the site, please support it via the low cost enhanced listings in our Contractor Locator and Browse Sweeping Products sections.

If you would like to support the site through a donation of any amount, via either PayPal or a credit card, just click on the donation link shown below.

If you would like more information, or to provide your input and ideas on the World Sweeper concept, please contact us via one of the methods shown in the left column of this page. We're trying to represent all viewpoints in the sweeping industry, so please feel free to let us know yours.

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MLK Certificate

"If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music, like Shakespeare wrote poetry.

"Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well."

-- Martin Luther King, Jr.
April 9, 1967

If you'd like an 8.5 x 11 copy of the certificate shown above, suitable for framing, click here or on the certificate image.