McKinley Page, 'Sweeper Aficionado,' Featured in Short Movie
by Ranger Kidwell-Ross

McKinley "Kenny" Page has loved sweepers since he saw his first one at about the age of three or four. His fascination with street sweepers turned into a lifelong passion.

Kenny Page's story came to the attention of Avery Brooks, Founder and President of Golden Isles TV. Like many people, Ms. Brooks hadn't ever given much thought to the concept of power sweeping of roadways, let alone someone whose life had been shaped by the machines that performed the task.
Believing that Page's story would generate significant viewer interest, the two teamed up to find a way to make a short movie about Page, who in March of 2016 had been featured at the WorldSweeper website in our "Noteworthy in Sweeping" category.
Two of America's powerhouse sweeper manufacturers, Elgin and Schwarze, came on board as Title Sponsor and Presenting Sponsor, respectively. This provided the needed funding for the project to move forward.
The approximately 18-minute feature, entitled "A Clean Sweep – The Kenny Page Story, is embedded at the bottom of this article. If your computer or location doesn't allow you to view an embedded video, here's the YouTube link (opens into a new browser window).
Avery Brooks says the short movie on Kenny Page has generated a huge amount of viewer interest, so much so that exploration has begun on how to start another project that would be longer and more expansive, perhaps even a full-length movie project. We'll keep our WorldSweeper readers posted on progress in that regard. If you have interest in investing in such a project, we invite you to contact Avery Brooks. Her email address is:
You can also find another article on McKinley Page here on the WorldSweeper website in our "Noteworthy in Sweeping" section. (Link opens into a new window.)