World Sweeper ideas to make sweeping easier.

Earth's Largest Power Sweeping Resource SM is 'Earth's Largest Power Sweeping Resource'SM

Ranger Kidwell-Ross, founder and long-time editor of the multiple award-winning American Sweeper magazine and its companion website,, has compiled the world's largest information resource for power sweeping. The website was first introduced on June 22, 2005.

"I have been providing leading edge information to the power sweeping industry for well over 30 years," said Kidwell-Ross. "Industry old-timers may remember the Supervac Quarterly, the sweeping industry's first-ever newsletter that I developed for sweeper manufacturer, Schwarze Industries, Inc. in 1989. Later, I founded and was editor of American Sweeper magazine and its accompanying website, which was also sponsored by Schwarze Industries, Inc.

"However, Schwarze management discontinued its sponsorship of these projects in December of 2004. After a six month hiatus, I re-introduced the power sweeping industry to a larger, more expansive concept that covers power sweeping around the world. Over time, this has become the largest independent news and information resource for the power sweeping industry.

"The website emphasizes coverage of the American power sweeping scene. However, since my European, Asian and Australian sweeping sagas had been received so well – and since I now have contacts in those areas – we have continued to expand in order to provide information about the worldwide sweeping industry. The website already has a number of stories about how power sweeping is done in other countries, and more will be forthcoming, as will ongoing coverage of the U.S. sweeping arena." contains over 5,000 sweeping-related photos, articles, studies and audio/video interviews. Some of these are reprints of previous material, from and elsewhere. Other of the information is now available for the first time ever. An average of between five and ten new articles, interviews, etc. are introduced each month. Many of these are previewed in our newsletters, which went from quarterly to monthly at the beginning of 2010.

The website additionally contains several vintage sweeper sections, which offer about 150 pictures and drawings of old sweepers, sweeper ads, toys, etc. Visitors are able to view the pictures at no charge.

There are also modules that allow both sweeping contractors and suppliers to show what they offer to the industry. A full-featured, interactive discussion forum area is also available for buying and selling sweepers and related equipment, exchanging questions and answers about the industry, etc.

The Discussion Forum also includes a section for municipalities to post bid requests, as well as an 'Ask the Sweeper Manufacturer' section for each brand of sweeper in the marketplace. Many of these are moderated by a representative from each sweeper company.

The website information is independent, i.e., not driven by the interests of any particular industry interest. Financial support is via advertising from a wide variety of sweeping industry sources.

"My goal when starting was to make it the most useful, informative information source ever available for the sweeping industry," concluded Kidwell-Ross. "In terms of sheer volume of information, it has that position. Our ongoing mandate is to keep the site fresh and up-to-date through ongoing contact with those in the industry. That commitment has been rewarded by our receiving, as of 2021, over 20 national APEX Awards for Publication Excellence. Anyone with news, information or comments about the website is invided to let me know via editor@, or by calling 360-739-7323 from 9-5, Pacific Time Zone."

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Vintage Sweepers

Vintage San Francisco Sweeper Airport Sweeper

Note to Editors

Additional Information Contact:
Ranger Kidwell-Ross, MA,
Editor/Webmaster of
Send an email.