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Sweeping Industry News Bulletin |
National Municipal Stormwater Alliance Update![]() February 2023 NMSA Seeks Your Support for the WEF MS4 Needs Assessment SurveyThe Water Environment Federation (WEF) Stormwater Institute has launched its third iteration of the National Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Needs Assessment Survey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WEFMS4Survey) and is collecting responses. The primary objectives and impacts of these surveys include:
[Editor's Note: Prior to filling out the survey we encourage you to become better informed about the new findings in Minnesota and Florida showing that street sweeping is as much as 500% more cost-effective way to remove pollutants than the next best BMP of catch basin cleaning.] The WEF Stormwater Institute survey should be filled out by MS4 program managers. To access the survey, please go to: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WEFMS4Survey. The survey will close on February 17, 2023. If you are interested in reviewing the questions ahead of time so you can prepare, use this link: https://wefstormwaterinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/2022-WEF-MS4-Survey-Questions.pdf
WEF started this survey in 2018 and did another version in 2020. If you are interested, the results from previous years can be found here.The results of these previous surveys provided the first overall estimate of municipal stormwater program budgets, an approximated annual funding gap in the MS4 sector, and enabled the inclusion of stormwater as a separate infrastructure category in the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Infrastructure Report Card for the first time in 2021.
NMSA is a supporter of the WEF MS4 Needs Assessment Survey and we strongly encourage you to participate in this important endeavor or pass this information along to any appropriate contacts in your network.Having solid, well-supported needs data from MS4 permittees throughout the United States is an important step forward in the maturation of the stormwater sector. This data informs the work of Congress and EPA, as well as the way they view stormwater in general. Responses from a significant number of MS4 permittees is an essential element of this process. If you have any questions, please contact WEF Stormwater Practice Lead, Bianca Pinto, via email at bpinto@wef.org. The stormwater sector is dynamic – to keep up with the changing nature of the sector across the country, the National Municipal Stormwater Alliance (NMSA) distributes this newsletter to disseminate information that we think will be helpful for MS4/stormwater program managers and others in the sector. If you have any information you wish to be included in the future, please contact NMSA Executive Director, Seth Brown, at: seth.brown@nationalstormwateralliance.org. If you are an organization representing the stormwater/MS4 sector or you represent an MS4 or a company who provides services or goods in the stormwater/MS4 sector and wish to join NMSA, please go to: https://nationalstormwateralliance.org/join-the-alliance/ or contact Seth Brown directly using the email address listed above. If you wish to make a contribution or donation to NMSA to help support our activities, please click here.