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MadVac LR50 Cleans Up Amidst Pedestrians at Superbowl 2012

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It's a big job getting a city ready for an event like the Superbowl and there's no question that Indianapolis was very presentable for this year's event. However, one of the lesser known stories about the cleanup before and after this year's Superbowl was the debris collected by a compact-class sweeper, the Madvac LR50.

Indianapolis, IN – Febuary 14, 2012

Exprolink Logo There are a number of reasons to consider a compact sweeper to be in the mix for the cleaning needs of any medium-to-large city, especially in the downtown core and for event handling. In our interview with Hisham El-Sherif, VP of Sales and Marketing for Exprolink, maker of the Madvac compact sweeper line, we discuss the Madvac LR50's cleanup effort in Indianapolis before and after the Superbowl as well the value brought to the table by compact sweepers in general.

"We wanted to show the city of Indianapolis what our Madvac LR50 could accomplish," said El-Sherif. Although interested, the city did not own a compact sweeper and so management wasn't aware, on a first-hand basis, what could be accomplished. So, we arranged to provide one of our LR50 models, along with an operator, for the week surrounding this year's Superbowl. Overall, I'd call the results an unqualified success."

Over 100,000 fans and friends gathered in Indianapolis for this year's Superbowl, which pitted the New York Giants against the New England Patriots. As anyone in the industry knows, that kind of influx brings plenty of waste. This year the street cleaning crews prepared to pick up an estimated 200 tons of debris as a result of the event.

LR 50 For the city streets of Indianapolis as well as the roads around Lucas Oil Stadium, both prior to the Superbowl and afterwards, the city utilized the typical variety of large-sized sweepers. For the area in and around the stadium and the walkways, though, many visitors saw and remarked about a type of sweeper they'd never seen before.

This class of sweeper is in widespread usage throughout Europe and is making significant inroads into Asia and the Arab world, as well. In the US and Canada, though, there are fewer. That may well be because those two countries have long had the luxury of plenty of room to move, which is more ideal for larger sweepers. However, the increasing need for more maneuverability – especially when combined with shrinking budgets – has created an increasing demand for compact-class sweepers.

"We operated the LR50 in and around the stadium for a total of six days," said El-Sherif, "four ahead of the event and for two days afterwards. Although we thought we might be able to run the machine on Superbowl Sunday, the crush of pedestrians was simply too much. For the rest of the time, though, we were able to operate on the walkways, sidewalks and such even while there were a significant number of people in the area.

LR50 at Superbowl "I was there in-person and was the operator for some of the time. I always enjoy the comments people make when they see the Madvac units in operation. One man stopped me to say it looked like I had the best job at the entire Superbowl. I must say I agreed with him; I love operating that machine where there are lots of people. What we pick up really makes a difference, and the contrast between the job the LR50 does and hand-picking, for example, is simply enormous."

The LR50 is able to collect almost 400 lbs. per hour, so in the typical time it takes to play a Superbowl it can handle almost a ton of material such as paper cups, cans, bottles and plastic bags. The collected debris, much of which was recyclable, was sent to a material recovery plant to be reprocessed.

We offer an audio interview with Hisham El-Sherif as a component of this story. Although he is discussing specifically his company's LR50 model, you will find it to be an excellent 'primer' on the capabilities of the compact sweeper class. In the audio interview, El-Sherif talks about why the smaller sweepers are becoming big news around the world, as well as seeing increased demand in the US and Canada.

Especially if you do routine event cleanup and/or clean Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) or downtown cores, you owe it to your organization to investigate what the addition of one or more sweepers of this class might do to your city's overall cleanliness, as well as to decreasing your overall cost of sweeping.

The following is a brief video made by the Madvac dealer for the Indianapolis area, Best Equipment, Inc. It is a one-minute video showing the Madvac LR50 onsite at Lucas Oil Stadium just prior to the 2012 Superbowl.

Here is the link to the approximately 17-minute audio interview held with El-Sherif. The topic covers both the emerging value of compact sweepers in general as well as the Superbowl event cleanup in specific. To play the interview, click this link or on the small triangle inside the circle you see to the left. If you have any trouble accessing this audio, please let us know.

In the US and Canada you may reach Exprolink, manufacturers of the Madvac line of compact sweepers, by calling 1-855-651-0444. For readers elsewhere, the number is 450-651-0444. You may also reach Hisham El-Sherif via email sent to The company's website is You may also access a PDF brochure of the LR50 using this link.

Editor's Note: If you have more information about this story, please let us know. If appropriate, we'll add it to the bottom of this page.

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