Walmart, with its recent schedule changes, third party vendor moves, and near total lack of media response was the impetus for this year's April 1st 'story.' Unfortunately, none of the changes in Walmart's method of operation listed in our April Fool's Day prank was, as far as we know, actually true.
For more information on the latest scheduling and other moves by Walmart, we direct you to our most recent reporting on the company. You may also want to view the questions asked on March 22nd by the World Sweeping Companies via Walmart's media link, which says that it makes every effort to respond within 24 hours.
No response to any of the questions the World Sweeping Companies posed on March 22nd had been received by the April 1st date of this April Fool's Day missive.
However, on April 2nd Walmart did send this response to its 'vendor partners.'
Then, on April 6th we received a brief email from the Director of Walmart's Press Office, saying that our "questions submitted deal directly with contractual agreements between Walmart and its vendors. Accordingly, those issues would be more appropriately addressed with vendors on a case-by-case basis and are not the type of matters we would discuss with members of the media."
Our response was to re-send the questions, along with an individual analysis of each question, many of which we feel should be matters of Walmart policy, not topics that should be decided on a case-by-case basis.
If you have a question or comment about this article, please let us know. If appropriate, we'll add it to the bottom of this page.