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Awards of Excellence in Power Sweeping |
Awards of Excellence in Sweeping![]() We appreciate any suggestions you might have for this section.![]()
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HISTORY OF THE AWARDS![]() As the founder and editor of the first-ever magazine for power sweeping, American Sweeper, in 1995 our editor, Ranger Kidwell-Ross, began the tradition of recognizing outstanding individuals in the sweeping industry. Through the intervening years the honor, called the Award of Excellence in Power Sweeping, has become the top distinction in the world of power sweeping. Says Kidwell-Ross, "The World Sweeper / World Sweeping Association Award of Excellence in Power Sweeping continues a tradition I began in 1995. This was spurred because I had won, the previous year, a national APEX Award for Publication Excellence for my American Sweeper magazine. This motivated me to start a similar award for the power sweeping industry. Through the intervening years the Award has been received by a notable 'Who's Who' list of dedicated, involved companies and individuals in the power sweeping industry. The Award qualifications, which include more than just success in the sweeping industry, encompass time devoted to building professionalism in the industry and in assisting others involved in sweeping." In 2005, American Sweeper magazine transitioned into this WorldSweeper.com website, which resumed this tradition. This is the place on the expansive WorldSweeper website where you may read about the current recipient of this special Award, as well as information about other winners in past years. Starting with the 2014 presentation, the Award has also been co-sponsored by the World Sweeping Association.